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Taking the GRE is an important and necessary step when you’re planning to apply to grad schools and a lot of studying and preparation goes into getting ready to take the GRE. But once you’ve taken the GRE for the first time and gotten your scores back, you may be faced with a decision — whether to take the GRE again.

By Elana Goodwin

Here are some factors to consider that may help you decide if you should retake the GRE.

1. Look at your score. The good thing is, you can take the GRE as many times as you like and it won’t hurt your chances of being admitted into grad school. That being said, just because you CAN take the GRE multiple times, doesn’t mean you have to or even should. If you scored within the 90th percentile or higher on your first try or a retake, you probably shouldn’t take the GRE again as it’ll just be a waste of money and instead should focus your energy and resources on other parts of grad school applications.
If you’re not in the 90th percentile, your score still might be good enough to get you into the program you want. Do some research and find out what the minimum GRE score the program you’re going to apply to will accept and compare it to your own scores. Your admission into grad schools isn’t solely based on your scores, so if your scores are above their minimum (even if they’re barely above it), but you have strong work and research experience, you may be able to forgo retaking the GRE.

To see the rest of the factors and the full story click here:

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